Saturday, December 04, 2004

Falling off the wagon

I have been sick lately. Sore throat, stuffy nose (or running, at the most inconvenient times), coughing. I want to crawl into bed and not move for a month. But I can't because I work for a living and can't afford to lose my job.

On Tuesday or Wednesday, don't remember which, Keem and I went to Embers. Embers serves Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew has always been that thing that I go for when I'm not feeling good. It is, in it's own way, comfort food.

I asked the waitress to bring me a Mountain Dew, with a lot of ice. That made it not so bad, since it was watered down.

It was good to taste it again. To realize that Mountain Dew is not the ambrosia that I remember it to be. That I actually am beginning to prefer Diet Coke (with a lime slice, served by the delightful Bobby at The Chalet).

It felt good on my sore throat. The carbonation helped soothe the pain. It made my lackluster Lotsa Meat skillet and the lackluster service seem a little more sparkly than they actually were.

I've not been doing so well on my quest for better health and a better physical condition. I keep thinking about how I'm going to exercise, how I'm going to lose weight, how I'm going to be the best Dana I can be. And then I don't do anything.

Eh. At least I'm sick and don't have much of an appetite. That's something. I'll hopefully post again when I'm not feeling so blah.

1 comment:

Lioness said...

It's the first time in days I've managed to be allowed in, had actually written you an email asking if you'd quit this blog, will send only if comment doesn't work. I'm so sorry you're still feeling shitty, wish I could help somehow. Don't beat yourself bcs of the Mountain Dew, it's simply become the symbol and the avoidance mechanism for the rest, sometimes we have to be put through the wringer for catharsis to come about, I'm hoping this is in fact the beginning of something good. I am also very undisciplined even though it simply makes my life that much harder. I wish you all the very best, nothing but the best. let's blame our Sun house. If there were Virgo in it, how military-like we'd manage to be!

I have something that might cheer you up, I'll email it to you. Fat kiss, J.