Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Progress Report

I am pretty sure I have kicked the Mountain Dew addiction.

Case in point - sitting at dinner with Beth and her Dad and they both ordered Mountain Dew. There was a slight twinge, a twinge where I thought, "Y'know, I've been good for so long. Would it really hurt anything if I had a Mountain Dew?" And then I beat that twinge down and turned to the waitress and asked for an iced tea.

Yesterday Keem had a can of Mountain Dew and she showed it to me and I called her a bitch but I didn't really mean it. I didn't care that she had Mountain Dew. Okay, I cared a little but not really that much. Not enough to rip it out of her hands like I might have done oh, about a month ago when I was going crazy with the lack of my favorite beverage.

Last night, I took Steffany's advice and watched The Biggest Loser. It was very interesting. I'd have to say that I'm hooked, even though I wanted to kick that one guy, what was his name, Dave?, that said he was going to vote for what's his name, Roy and then he pulled up Lizzeth's name (You jackass, is all I have to say. That was cold. And then, when he's called on it, his response is "We're not curing brain cancer." Well, listen, this is serious stuff. Maybe it's not brain cancer but you supposed to be a role model for people. Role models don't play cheap little games. Whew. Okay, done vanting).

Anyway, while I'm sitting on the couch, watching these people who weigh close to what I do, if not more, running and lifting weights and exercising like mad, I couldn't take it. I practically ran to the bedroom and grabbed the one pound weights and started lifting them. I still have a lot of weight to lose before I'll be able to actually do some serious exercising without having an asthma attack but moving my arms around is not going to kill me. I was worried this would turn out like the last time I tried exercising, running through water, where I was so sore for three days after. But it wasn't. I feel good today, like I might have accomplished something.

Last night was tough for everyone on The Biggest Loser because they couldn't believe that they hadn't lost any weight. It was an eye opener for me because you can tell that none of them have ever been on a serious diet before, since they didn't realize that the previous week's loss had been due to water weight. It was really nice to see the trainers telling them that they had lost actual weight, not water weight, and they should absolutely not cut their calories again.

From what I can see, other than the "Hey, let's have a bunch of fat people deal with chocolate" stunt, this show is going to teach people a lot about the importance of good food and good exercise. I'll have to keep watching to see what happens and hopefully, get some more inspiration.

The fact that I'm not having Mountain Dew has been a serious help for me. I don't feel like I'm cheating when I make a bad choice. And it really makes me feel good when I choose to eat a salad or something else that's healthy.

I think my next step is to start exercising consistently. I am not looking forward to this, I hate effort. But, hey, if I could give up Mountain Dew, what could possibly stop me, right?


Firebear said...

Finally, Spike makes it to the cup first, and Angel asks him, in all seriousness, if he's really doing this because it's the right thing, or just because he wants to take something from Angel. "Bit of both," Spike admits casually, then drinks from the cup.

It's Mountain Dew.

Good to hear you are doing well!

brooksba said...

Way to go Dana!

I'm sorry we ordered Mountain Dew, the restaurant didn't serve what I consider the nectar of the gods. Oh, Coke, how do I love thee?

Sorry, I digress.

I am so proud of you. I know that exercising does bring some soreness, but isn't the old saying, "No pain, no gain?" I wonder if the saying should be, "No pain, no loss?" I was always confused on that.



DeAnn said...

The stunts really do cheapen it, though, and WHY?! They are so unnecessary and just plain evil.

And, also, did you see Steffy's post today about how she drinks A GALLON OF WATER A DAY! That would definitely make you never want to drink anything else because you wouldn't be thirsty.

I LOVE iced tea, though. It's my favorite. And, thankfully, I like it without any sweetener. So it's actually fairly healthy!

CarpeDM said...

I am pretty good about drinking water. I would like to drink a gallon a day but that's not going to happen. I do not drink pop during the work day so I'm proud of myself for that, it's when I'm out that water is just so boring that I can't bear to drink it with my exciting food.

One of these days I'm going to break down and buy a scale and see if this is actually doing any good. I feel better each day but I have nothing to measure my success with. Hmm.

Lioness said...

Right. Right. RIGHT!!!! Congrats! Listen, don't you notice a difference in your clothes? That might give you a clue.

Serialangel said...

Oh, DM I bet you're looking gorgeous! And you can't drink a gallon of water a day because then it would dilute your blood and like, poison you. At least two litres it should be, which in the Uk is about four bottles of 500ml...
You can do anything you set your mind to.